100+ Funny Riddles with answers for kids and adults

Here are 100+ funny riddles to tickle your funny bone! These easy and entertaining puzzles are perfect for all ages. Challenge yourself and share the laughs with friends and family. Each riddle will bring a smile to your face. Enjoy solving and giggling with these clever jokes!

Man do once in lifetime-Funny Riddle

82. Riddles
What does a man do only once in his lifetime, but women do once a year after they are 29?
    • Answer: Turn 30

Word in dictionary-Funny Riddle

83. Riddles
Which word in the dictionary starts and finishes with the letter E, but only has one letter?
    • Answer: Envelope.

Octopus laugh-Funny Riddle

85. Riddles
What can make an octopus laugh?
    • Answer: Ten tickles (tentacles).

Baby corn-Funny Riddle

86. Riddles
What did the baby corn ask the mama corn?
    • Answer: Where is the popcorn?

Jeweler and Jailer- Funny Riddle

88. Riddles
What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?
    • Answer: A jeweler sells watches and a jailer watch cells.