Are you ready to test your puzzle-solving skills? Let's dive into this matchstick puzzle!
How can you rearrange 2 matchsticks from the given house shape to form 5 squares?
Take a close look at the original house shape made with matchsticks.
Identify the existing squares in the house shape.
Select two matchsticks from the rooftop of the house and decide where to move them to form new squares.
Place the right rooftop matchstick in the center of the square. This creates two rectangles.
Place the left rooftop matchstick on top of the previous matchstick we placed. This creates an additional square.
Count the squares formed after rearranging the matchsticks.
Now, we have created 4 squares, and there may also be a square around them, giving us a total of 5 squares.
Congratulations! You've successfully solved the matchstick puzzle by rearranging two matchsticks to form five squares.
Keep challenging your mind with more puzzles and brain teasers to sharpen your problem-solving skills!