20+ Riddles and Jokes to Make You Laugh | MindYourLogic Riddles

Here are 20+ fun riddles and jokes that are sure to bring a smile to your face! These simple and easy-to-understand riddles are perfect for all ages. Challenge your friends and family to see who can solve them the quickest. Get ready for some laughs and brain-teasing moments!


1. I can be cracked,
I can be made ,
I can be told , 
I can be played . 
What am I?



Answer: A joke


2. What occurs once in a minute, 
twice in a moment, 
and never in 1,000 years?

what occurs once in a minute riddle


Answer: The letter “M”


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3.  What has loads of key but can't open a door?

loads of key but cant open door


Answer: A Piano


4. What Two Things Can You Never Eat For Breakfast?

what two thinks never eat for breakfast


 Answer: Lunch and Dinner


5. Two in a corner, 
1 in a room, 
0 in a house, 
but 1 in a shelter. 
What am I?

two in corner one in room riddle


Answer: The letter "R".



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6.  When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

christmas comes before tanksgiving


Answer: In the dictionary.


7. What is as big as an elephant, but weighs nothing at all?

what is as big as elephant


Answer: The shadow of an elephant.


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8. What can you put in a bucket to make it weigh less?

what can put in bucket to makes it weigh less


Answer: A hole



9. People make me, save me, raise me, change me, what am i?

people make me save me raise me riddle


Answer: Money!


10. People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?

people buy me to eat riddle


Answer: Plate.





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