100+ Hard riddles to test your mental acuity

Hard riddles: Take your problem-solving skills to the next level with our collection of 100 hard riddles. These challenging puzzles are sure to keep you entertained and engaged for hours as you work to figure out the answers. From logic riddles to wordplay, our selection has something for everyone. See just how smart you are with this giant collection of hard riddles.

Pencil on the floor-Hard Riddle

1. Riddles
How can you put a pencil on the floor where no one can jump over it?
    • Answer: Put it by the wall in the corner.

Two Sons in Car-Hard Riddle

2. Riddles
Two fathers and two sons are in a car, yet there are only three people in the car. How?
    • Answer: They are grandfather, father, and son

House of wood - Hard Riddle

3. Riddles
A house of wood in a hidden place. Built without nails or glue. High above the earthen ground It holds pale gems of blue.
    • Answer: Nest

Insect Names-Hard Riddle

5. Riddles
It is an insect, and the first part of its name is the name of another insect. What is it?
    • Answer: Beetle.

Dirt in hole-Hard Riddle

6. Riddles
How much dirt is in a hole that's two feet by three feet?
    • Answer: None, it's a hole.

Stand Behind Your Father-Hard Riddle

8. Riddles
How can you physically stand behind your father while he is standing behind you?
    • Answer: You are standing back-to-back with your father.

Drive Men Mad-Hard Riddle

9. Riddles
I drive men mad for love of me, easily beaten, never free.
    • Answer: Gold

Scratch head-Hard Riddle

10. Riddles
Take one out and scratch my head I am now black but once was red.
    • Answer: Match

How do you escape-Hard Riddle

12. Riddles
Imagine you are deserted on an island lighted up with fire. You have no bucket so you cannot use the seawater. How do you escape?
    • Answer: Just stop imagining.

Tail feathers-Hard Riddle

13. Riddles
Why do ducks have tail feathers?
    • Answer: To cover its buttquack.

Jared's father-Hard Riddle

15. Riddles
 Jared's father has three sons, Snap, Crackle and?
    • Answer: Jared