20+ Mind Riddles To Challenge Your Mind | MindYourLogic Riddles
🔍Here are 20+ mind riddles to give your brain a workout! 🧠 Get ready for some fun challenges that will make you think outside the box. Whether you're a mind riddle enthusiast or just looking for a mental challenge, these mind riddles are perfect for you! Let's see if you can crack them all! 💡
1. Flat as a leaf, round as a ring, Has two eyes, can't see a thing. What is it?
Answer: A button.
2. Where can you find roads without cars, forests without trees, and cities without houses (without people)?
Answer: A map.
3. What has six faces, but does not wear makeup, has twenty-one eyes, but cannot see?
What is it?
Answer: Dice
4. This old one runs forever, but never moves at all.
He has not lungs nor throat, but still a mighty roaring call.
What is it?
Answer: Waterfall
5. If you drop a white hat into the red sea what does it become?
Answer: Wet
6. When it is alive we sing, when it is dead we clap our hands. What is it?
Answer: Birthday Candles.
7. What letters are easily found in every single day of the week?
Answer: D-A-Y
8. Fill me up with hot or cold. Put anything in me and I will make sure I’ll hold. What am I?
Answer: A cup
9. Can you make the letters in NEW DOOR one word?
Answer: ONE WORD
10. What word when written in capital letters is the same backward, frontward, and upside down?
Answer: NOON
11. What word contains 26 letters, but only three syllables?
Answer: Alphabet!
12. Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I?
Answer: Fire!
13. What has a thousand needles but can’t sew?
Answer: A porcupine.
14. When I’m ripe, I’m green. When you eat me, I’m red. What am I?
Answer: Watermelon.
15. What needs to be answered but never asks a question?
Answer: The phone.
16. Can you add one mathematical symbol in between 55555 to equal 500?
Answer: 555 - 55 = 500
17. I am a word of letters three; add two and fewer there will be. What word am I?
Answer: Few
18. I turn once, what is out will not get in. I turn again, what is in will not get out. What am I?
Answer: A key
19. Turn us on our backs and open up our stomachs, and you will be the wisest but at the start a lummox. What are we?
Answer: Books
20. I shave every day but my beard stays the same. How?
Answer: I’m the barber.