9-5=8 - Matchstick Equation

39.Matchstick Puzzles
Move one matchstick and fix the equation in the correct order.
Matchstick Puzzles : 9-5=0 Matchstick equation

Matchstick Image : 9-5=0 Matchstick equation

    • Explanation :

       Move one matchstick from 8 and place it to 5. 
      So, 5 become 9 and 8 becomes 0. 
      The equation we get is 9 - 9 = 0.
      Matchstick Puzzles : Solved Answers 9-5=0 Matchstick equation

      Matchstick Image : Solved Answers 9-5=0 Matchstick equation

      Matchstick Puzzles : Answers 9-5=0 Matchstick equation

      Matchstick Image : Answers 9-5=0 Matchstick equation