Move 2 to Create 3 Squares - Square Matchstick Puzzle

17.Matchstick Puzzles
Move 3 matches to create 3 squares of different sizes. 
Matchstick Puzzles : Move 2 to create 3 squares

Matchstick Image : Move 2 to create 3 squares

    • Explanation :

       Move both inner matchsticks downward to left, as shown in the image. So we get the 3 squares in different sizes.
      Matchstick Puzzles : Sloved Answer  Move 2 to create 3 squares

      Matchstick Image : Sloved Answer Move 2 to create 3 squares

      Matchstick Puzzles : Answer  Move 2 to create 3 squares

      Matchstick Image : Answer Move 2 to create 3 squares