Move 4 Matchsticks to get 3 Squares - Matchstick Puzzle

23.Matchstick Puzzles
Can you move 4 matchsticks and get 3 squares? Its challenge for you.
Matchstick Puzzles : Move 4 matchsticks to get 3 squares

Matchstick Image : Move 4 matchsticks to get 3 squares

    • Explanation :

       Arrange the 1st square box sticks in a queue. So,we get 3 square side by side. 
      Matchstick Puzzles : Solved Answer Move 4 matchsticks to get 3 squares

      Matchstick Image : Solved Answer Move 4 matchsticks to get 3 squares

      Matchstick Puzzles : Answer Move 4 matchsticks to get 3 squares

      Matchstick Image : Answer Move 4 matchsticks to get 3 squares