5+ Logic Math Questions with Answers to Test Your Skills | MindYourLogic Math Challenge

Here are 5+ logic math questions with answers designed to test your reasoning skills and mathematical thinking. These questions are perfect for anyone who loves a good challenge and wants to sharpen their logic abilities. Dive into these puzzles, and see how many you can solve while enjoying the process!

logic math questions with answers thumbnail


1. Question: Which marble will replace the question mark?

which marble should replace


Answer: Marble 3

 All non-purple marbles are in groups of five and form an angle.


2. Question: Solve these Domino math equation.

domino equation math puzzle


Answer: 6 spots.

The dominoes are on an imaginary grid and the number of spots corresponds to the domino’s spot on the grid. The grid contains alternating rows with numbers 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5 and the numbers 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6.



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3. How many unripe berries are missing on the last branch?

how many unripe barries

Answer: 6 berries. 

The next branch always contains just as many unripe berries as ripe berries on the previous branch.


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