Math and Logic Puzzles to Challenge Your Mind | MindYourLogic Math challenge

Welcome to our math and logic puzzles! Challenge yourself with the Two Zero Two Six puzzle, test your perspective with the Top View Puzzle, and solve the Wheel Rotation puzzle. Don’t miss the Thread Leads Banana Puzzle and the Missing Number challenges. Dive in and engage your mind with these stimulating brain teasers!

1. Which of the following is 'two zero two six'?

Choose the correct option from the following to solve the puzzle.



Answer:  2026.

This is because "two zero two six" directly translates to the number 2026.


2. Which one is the top view?

gear top view puzzle


Answer : A

This is because the top view shows the largest gear on the left, slightly overlapping the smaller gear. Only option A displays this arrangement.


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3.  Will the monkey hit A or B after rotating the gear mark?

When the monkey starts rotating the gear, will it hit point A or B? Examine the gear's movement to determine the correct point.

moneky rotating wheel puzzle


Answer: A

When the monkey starts rotating the gear, the gears will turn in alternating directions. This means that the gear with the mark will turn clockwise, causing the mark to hit point A.


4. Which Thread Leads to the Banana?

 Follow the threads to find out which one connects to the banana.

thread leads banana


Answer: 4

Follow the threads carefully - Thread 1 goes over the top, Thread 2 goes under, Thread 3 also goes under. Thread 4 is the only one that connects directly to the banana.


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