Shoes Boy Popcorn Viral Math Puzzle with Solution

Here is the math puzzle, in which pairs of shoes, boy & popcorns are given in the equation form. You need to understand the dynamics of the equation & how the objects are formulated in terms of linear equations. So, using the above equations solve the equation & find the individuals value of them, which helps you to decode the final equation.

Find the value of '?' in "Shoes Boy Popcorn Viral Math Puzzle"

Take a pause & think...


Answer - ? = 43

Explanation - 

Let the pair of shoes be, S

Let the boy be, B

& The popcorn be, P

Converting the above equations in the form of the above terms.

Equation (1); S + S + S = 30

Equation (2); B + B + S = 20

Equation (3); 2P + 2P + B = 13

Equation (4); (0.5)S + (B + 2P + S) * P = ?

Now, solve equation(1);

S + S + S = 30

3S = 30

S = 10

Substitute the value of S, in equation(2)

B + B + S = 20

2B + 10 = 20

2B = 10

B = 5

Similarly, substitute B in equation(3);

2P + 2P + B = 13

4P + 5 = 13

4P = 8

P = 2

Now, substitute all the values for final equation(4);

(0.5)S + (B + 2P + S) * P = ?

= (0.5)10 + (5 + 2*2 + 10) * 2

= 5 + (5 + 4 + 10) * 2

(0.5)S + (B + 2P + S) * P = 5 + 38

(0.5)S + (B + 2P + S) * P = 43


The 'Shoes Boy Popcorn' puzzle may seem cryptic at first, but by breaking down the equations, we've cracked the code. The values are:

  • Pair of shoes (S) = 10
  • Boy (B) = 5
  • Popcorn (P) = 2

The final equation yields the answer '? = 43.' This puzzle showcases the fun side of math and the joy of problem-solving, reminding us that with a little ingenuity, seemingly unrelated elements can come together in surprising ways.