What Can Travel Around The World - Riddle Of The Day
What can travel around the world while staying in one corner? - This is today's riddle of the day challenge for you. Let's put on your thinking caps and solve this intriguing riddle by thinking out of the box, challenging ourselves for today's riddle, and also asking your friends and family to test their problem-solving ability. The answer to this riddle is not as obvious as it may seem.
Riddle of the day
What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
Answer: A Stamp
The answer to this riddle is "A Stamp." A stamp is a small piece of paper that is attached to a letter or package to indicate that postage has been paid. When a letter or package is sent through the mail, the stamp travels with it, and it can travel all around the world, while remaining in a corner of the envelope or package.
They are a small, but crucial component that allows letters and packages to be sent from one place to another. When a stamp is attached to a letter or package, it indicates that the sender has paid for postage, and the item can be sent through the mail.
It may seem like a simple answer, but it demonstrates the power of something small and seemingly insignificant. Stamps are a crucial component of our postal system and have allowed us to communicate and connect with people all around the world.
Hope you enjoyed today's riddle and also had a short tour around the world you may also enjoy more when you will rotate your eyes onto funny riddles and solve them. You may also try some games that will put you in deep thinking for an answer to Mr. Detective 2 you can download this game from the Google Play Store.