100+ Detective Riddles Inspired by Sherlock Holmes and Detective Mehul

Put your detective skills to the test with these 100+ challenging detective riddles inspired by Sherlock Holmes and Detective Mehul. From crime scenes to suspects, these detective riddles will help you hone your abilities and solve the case. See how many you can solve on your own, or challenge your friends to a race to the finish.

The recorder- Detective Riddle

16.Detective Riddles
Detective Mehul breaks into a crime scene. The victim is the owner who is slumped dead on a chair and have a bullet hole in his head. A gun lies on the floor and a cassette recorder is found on the table. On pressing the play button, Mehul hears the message 'I have committed sins in my life and now I offer my soul to the great Lord and followed a gunshot Mehul smiles and informed the police that it's a murder.

Why did he think so?


    • How can a dead person rewind back the tape himself?

The wordplay- Detective Riddle

17.Detective Riddles
Aalia shoots Mehul and then holds him underwater for 5 minutes. They then go out and enjoy dinner. How?


    • Aalia shoots Mehul with a film camera (takes a picture) and then develops it (holds it underwater).

Vacation murder- Detective Riddle

18.Detective Riddles
A couple goes on a camping trip, but only the husband returns. He claims that his wife fell off a cliff and died. When Detective Mehul gets in touch with the travel agent, he immediately arrests the husband. Why?


    • The travel agent reveals how the husband only booked a one-way ticket for his wife, whereas he booked a return ticket for himself.

Murdered on Sunday- Detective Riddle

19.Detective Riddles
A man is found murdered on a Sunday morning. His wife calls Detective Mehul, who questions the wife and the staff, and are given the following alibis:

The wife says she was sleeping
The butler said he was cleaning the closet
The gardener was declared he was picking vegetables
The maid explained she was getting the mail
The cook said she was preparing breakfast

Immediately, the police arrest the murderer. Who did it and how did the police know?

  • The wife
  • The butler
  • The gardener
  • The maid
    • Explanation :  The maid, because no mail is delivered on Sunday.

Poisonous drink - Detective Riddle

20.Detective Riddles
Riya and Aalia ate dinner together. They both ordered iced tea. 
Riya drank them very fast and had finished five in the time it took Aalia to drink just one. 
Aalia died while the Riya survived. All of the drinks were poisoned. How is that possible?


    • The poison was in the ice. 

The non-suicide - Detective Riddle

21.Detective Riddles
A body is found at the bottom of a high-rise block of flats. To the untrained eye, it looks as if the person had taken their own life.
Detective Mehul goes to each floor and finds the window looking out to where the body is. He flips a coin when he opens each window. Once he has done this on every floor, he deduces that it wasn't suicide. Why?


    • None of the windows were open. If the person jumped, who closed the window?

The Parisian thief - Detective Riddle

22.Detective Riddles
A killer told a detective that he would commit his next crime in the only place in Paris where you couldn't see the Eiffel Tower. How did the detective end up catching him?


    •  The criminal was hiding in the Eiffel Tower itself

Snowy region-Detective Riddle

23.Detective Riddles
Raj and Rahul were friends and their house was in a snowy region. Raj called Detective Mehul and informed him about his friend's death. 
Raj said he went to meet Rahul and knocked at the door but nobody opened the door. 
He cleaned the moisture of the window glass to look into the house. He saw Rahul lying on the floor in the pull of blood. 
Mehul arrested the murderer right away. How?


    • Raj wouldn't be able to unfreeze the window glass because its usually icy on the inside

The modern murder- Detective Riddle

24.Detective Riddles
 Mehul shot Aalia in her car. There was no gunpowder residue on her clothing and no bullet holes in the windows or doors of the car. 
How is it possible?


    • Mehul shot Aalia with a camera, which means he clicked her pictures in the car.

Detective Mehul and The scary cave - Detective Riddle

25.Detective Riddles
Once as detective Mehul was walking around the forest trying to catch Dhamaka Singh, he came across a cave. He suspected that Dhamaka Singh was hiding inside it. But to open it he needed to solve a riddle-  "You tell it not to come, but it still comes. You tell it not to go, but it still goes by. What is it?" can you help him? 


    • TIME

Jagga's bad fate - Detective Riddle

26.Detective Riddles
Jagga is found unconscious in front of a store at two in the morning. His head is bleeding and there's a brick lying next to him. When the police arrive, they carry Jagga to jail. 
Why did they arrest him?


    • Jagga was trying to rob the store. He threw a brick at the store's bullet-proof window and it bounced back and hit him. 

Gogo's lie- Detective Riddle

27.Detective Riddles
Gogo told a story about how he was awarded a medal for 'bravery during World War 1.' Why is this a lie?


    • They didn’t know there was going to be a World War 2 at the time, so they wouldn’t have said World War 1

John the murderer - Detective Riddle

28.Detective Riddles
Kushal walks into his house only to hear his wife shout, 'No John, don’t shoot!' The man bursts into the kitchen where he sees his wife on the floor, and a doctor, a lawyer, and a policeman standing by her. He immediately knows who shot her. How?


    • The policeman had his name written on his badge

The chicken mystery - Detective Riddle

29.Detective Riddles
Two chickens were found dead on the farm. What does the detective Mehul suspect?


    • Fowl play

Dhamaka Singh's dilemma - Detective Riddle

30.Detective Riddles
Dhamaka Singh escaped from the prison and ran to the countryside suddenly, on a small dark road, he saw a police car heading in his direction, Dhamaka Singh ran towards the car for some time then jumped off the road and rushed into the woods. Why did he run toward the car first ?


    • When Dhamaka Singh saw the car, he was in the middle of a bridge. So he had to run toward the vehicle to get off the bridge.